Most of our resources support both adults and children who may be dyslexic or have Meares-Irlen Syndrome. We are trying to use fonts and coloured backgrounds to support reading. (We will be updating our website to support this as well.)
Meares-Irlen syndrome is more common than you think and affects people in their ability to read. It can cause words to move or appear a glare on paper. One thing which makes it particularly difficult to read is black writing onto a white background.
Other common affects of these include; strain working under bright lighting, poor concentrate, glare when driving or from objects, lack of attention, clumsiness and difficultly judging distance.
I have previously bought coloured overlays from Crossbow. I am sure they are available from other sources. These can be bought in a range of colours. Each person is different helped by different coloured overlays.
Tips for Teachers:
*If possible print resources with coloured backgrounds which are used on display around the classrooms. It is expensive to always print resources in colour so you could print resources onto coloured paper instead
*Avoid black text onto white paper.
*When using Interactive White Boards (Smarts) or Power Points then try to put a cream or light coloured background. Avoid using black onto white backgrounds.
*Change the window display if you use Windows (I haven’t worked out how to do this on a Mac yet!). Each screen which pops up can be changed to a different colour instead of white. For example word and other documents open in cream. Cream works very well but again this is personal choice.
*Change the brightness on items such as computers, laptops, phones or tablets (iPads). Making it darker supports with reading. If possible use an anti-glare cover.
All of these things will support children (and adults) in their reading in school as well as everyday life and may even support some teachers! The difference it makes to reading is incredible.
Coloured Over-Lays from Crossbow .They also have other items to support such as coloured rulers, virtual coloured overlays…..
For more information about Meares-Irlen Syndrome check out Dyslexia Scotwest
Anti-glare iPhone Covers