15 Everyday Activities Kids Can Learn From 

Everyday Activities Children Can Learn From  If you’re eager to boost home-learning but seriously want to avoid boring worksheets, this list of everyday activities is for you. There’s so much children can learn from simply doing life with us!    Washing up Give your child age-appropriate items to wash or dry up or get them to help you stack …read more Read More

How to Raise Confident Readers

How to Raise Confident Readers    Hearing your child sound out those first words from a book is an exciting moment. But maintaining your child’s sense of wonder at reading can be tricky! Here are 10 ways to nurture their confidence and keep them interested in reading as they grow:     Read aloud, lots  Help your kids foster …read more Read More

What is unschooling?

What is unschooling? With schools under more pressure than ever and many families nervous about whether school is the safest place to be, it’s no surprise so many of you were eager to learn more about different styles of at-home learning! I find it fascinating to find out more about too! Today I thought I’d …read more Read More

How to Homeschool without Workbooks (or Zoom)

How to Homeschool without Workbooks (or Zoom)   After the madness of this year, and most of the world’s parenting population having to try some form of homeschooling, it’s no surprise that more parents are now deciding on home education by choice. Whether you’ve decided to take the leap or you’re curious why anyone would, …read more Read More

Why is play enough? Guest Post by Susie Robbins

As we are coming up to half term time again I think whatever happens after it we should take comfort that play is enough for children and Susie Robbins explains more on why this is important. Less worry, more play. Play is Enough and here are the reasons why. During the pandemic, I have strived …read more Read More