From Instagram

January 10, 2018.

The power of other children’s drawings • this picture has been on our fridge drawn by a 3 year old. My son loves looking at it and said he want to do one just like that. So we got out the pens and he started to make his own picture. Not working in a classroom I miss watching how children learn from each other, it’s so important to encourage it. Just sharing pictures from other children is important. . . . . #markmaking.

The power of other children's drawings • this picture has been on our fridge drawn by a 3 year old. My son loves looking at it and said he want to do one just like that. So we got out the pens and he started to make his own picture. Not working in a classroom I miss watching how children learn from each other, it's so important to encourage it. Just sharing pictures from other children is important.
#independentmarkmaking #markmaking #inspiredbychildren #toddlerplay #toddlerwriting #EYFS #earlyyears #harrietandviolet #iteachtoo #iteacher #teachersofinstagram #education #teachersfollowteachers #earlywriting #markmaking. #iwrite #idraw #printplaylearn

A Print Play Learn image posted by printplaylearn.

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