From Instagram

July 6, 2017.

Swat it! From my Phonics Play Pack, a great fun activity to keep play and learning active. How many words or sounds can you swat? Can you say the sounds? How many in a min? #

Swat it! From my Phonics Play Pack, a great fun activity to keep play and learning active. How many words or sounds can you swat? Can you say the sounds? How many in a min? #phonicsplaypack #phonics #harrietviolet #printplaylearn #iteachtoo #iteacher #yearone #EYFS #flashcards #primary #prekteacher #newdesign #earlymath #math #maths #literacy # #dysleixa #learning #playmatters #learningthroughplay #indibiz
#teachingresources  #harrietviolet

A Harriet & Violet resource posted by harrietandviolet.

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