From Instagram

June 15, 2017.

Superhero Week ️ Next week I’ll be sharing superhero printable resources to support play + learning as well as ideas. If you have any great ideas to share just or tag me as I’d love to see them.

Superhero Week ️ Next week I'll be sharing superhero printable resources to support play + learning as well as ideas. If you have any great ideas to share just #harrietandviolet or tag me as I'd love to see them. #superhero #learning #earlyyears #yearone #primaryschool #NQTs #lovelearning #learningthroughplay #harrietviolet #harrietandviolet

A Harriet & Violet resource posted by harrietandviolet.

Get your photo posted here by tagging photos of Harriet & Violet resources on Instagram with #harrietviolet

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