From Instagram

November 29, 2018.

If you’ve been following you will have seen nearly a whole month of fantastic ideas! Today’s prompt is The Gruffalo. Unfortunately we’ve not been joining in this time but love seeing all the inspiring ideas. Next month I’m going to be joining in with the we’ll definitely be participating as it’ll be the holiday as well. So less work and play more happening here! Hope you’ll try and join in when you can for the playalong, no pressure to do it everyday only when it works for you, This is a throw back to a country park near us which has the Gruffalo characters.

If you’ve been following #nov_playalong you will have seen nearly a whole month of fantastic ideas! Today’s prompt is The Gruffalo. 
Unfortunately we’ve not been joining in this time but love seeing all the inspiring ideas. 
Next month I’m going to be joining in with the #dec_playalong we’ll definitely be participating as it’ll be the holiday as well. So less work and play more happening here! 
Hope you’ll try and join in when you can for the playalong, no pressure to do it everyday only when it works for you, 
This is a throw back to a country park near us which has the Gruffalo characters. 
#worklessplaymore #gruffaloforest 
#outdoorlearning #playoutdoors #playideas #todderplay #outdoors #printplaylearn

A Print Play Learn image posted by printplaylearn.

Tag photos of Print Play Learn resources on Instagram with #printplaylearn

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