From Instagram

June 1, 2017.

Hundred Square // I’ve loved learning how to draw people ~ I’ve made a few Superhero resources for support learning in the classroom or at home. Here’s a hundred square with a tinted background, this supports learning for children who have visual dress/dyslexia. There are lots of free printable resources on but check out @tesresources for paid resources

Hundred Square // I've loved learning how to draw people ~ I've made a few Superhero resources for support learning in the classroom or at home. Here's a hundred square with a tinted background, this supports learning for children who have visual dress/dyslexia. There are lots of free printable resources on but check out @tesresources for paid resources #learning #countingto100 #hundred #hundredsquare #visualaids #printable #harrietviolet #harrietandviolet

A Print Play Learn image posted by printplaylearn.

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