Are you looking for simple ways to support the learning of phonics? This post is for you. This is a great place to start if you’re a parent and unsure how to support your child. Chances are you’re already doing many of these things.
1. Listen
- For children to learn about phonics they need to able to listen.
- Children need to experience the sounds around them. Go on a sound walk. You’ll be surprised how many sounds there are; voices, building noise, machines, road noise, animals, radios etc. What can they hear? Can they recognise the sounds?
- Children need to be read to, not just stories but labels, signs and text around them.
2. Talk
- Children need to be spoken to and engage in conversations.
- Read everything out loud and ask questions.
- Nursery rhymes are a great way to start learning about rhyme and rhythm.
- Singing is a great too, not everyone remembers nursery rhymes so it’s good to sing songs from the TV or radio.
3. Play
- Children learn best through play, let them explore different sounds by letting them make sounds.
- Exploring music and instruments. You don’t need actual instruments, use found objects to create sounds or body percussion (clapping, clicking).
- Roleplay (shop keeper, chief, musician) is a great way to combine all of these things, listening, communicating and exploring. It’s great to take turns through play developing talking and listening.