Being left-handed is great but sometimes in learning it can be tricky.
We have some left-handed finger spacers for children or even adults to try out. Remembering to use finger spaces is for writing takes time and when you are left-handed you can’t use your actual finger successfully! The finger space is held in the right hand pointing down onto the page. By pointing down this ensures children can continue to read their learning and not block them from continuing to write.
It really helps if left-handed children are sat on the left-hand side of the table so not to bang arms with other children when writing and drawing. To slant the paper at an angle also helps to read what has already been written.
Writing with whiteboard pens can be messy even for teachers! For some left-handed children it can be a little difficult but when writing using a whiteboard and pen, your left-hand can sometimes rub out the words. It might be easier for left-landed children to have a piece of paper and felt-tip pen to lean on their whiteboard to use instead.
Also check out the Anything Left-Handed. You would be surprised how many day-to-day objects are made for right-handed people…pencil sharpers, pens,scissors, rulers even clocks!
Check out our left-handed finger spacers. We’ve also made finger spaces for right-handed children too! We would love to hear of any other ways to support left-handed children in schools. You can use our submit an idea page.